Bzw.n is a group of artists, designers and writers based in Bremen, Hamburg, Köln, and Lüneburg that is roughly located on an intersection of individual practices and the social design methodology. Their practice starts from posing/sharing the individual questions orbiting the spaces they find and are invited to, and is developed as collective forms, such as exhibitions and workshops. The project was firstly initiated by the collective Raumbeziehung (hoyonboc and Jae-Nder Fluid) in February inviting the participants from their
social constellations.
At Kultur im Bunker e.V. this June, Bzw.n holds its first exhibition,
„Zwischenräume“. The participants present audio-, graphic-, 3D animation-, writing-, video-, installation works, and performances as acts of activating the space of the bunker and bridging its historical/material in relation to the “outer” society and time. The form consists of a constellation of individual works developed in a collective thinking space involving field trips and weekly plena.
Project Participants:
Agnes Schöner, Angela Lieber, Sasa, hoyonboc, Irini Schwab, Jae-Nder Fluid, Mayuko Kudo, Nataliia Verbova, Jana Piotrowski
Vernissage: 7 pm, 04.06.2022
Opening days & Time: 5 – 7 pm, 05. – 12. 06. 2022
Finissage / Brunch talks: 2 pm, 12. 06. 2022
Deep-fried Unconscious: An invitation to an intimate dream-sharing space by
Angela Lieber
Artist talks by exhibition participants